Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My First Teaching Blog Post!

Hello Everyone! I am Mrs. Highfill and I am a social science teacher in Florida!

I am SUPER DUPER excited to be at an amazing school this coming school year and I wanted to start a blog in celebration. The photo is from when I taught a lesson on Mexico City to my 7th Grade Geography students last school year at Farnell Middle School. This year I am at Buffalo Creek Middle School and I will  be teaching 8th Grade U.S. History. I am so happy to be a HAWK!
I wanted to have this blog as a way to keep track of all the reflections and ideas I have during my first official FULL year of teaching at a school. There are a lot of highs and lows in teaching and often times it's near impossible to keep up with all of them. Most importantly it's hard to remember key moments where you really learn a lot from a student, fellow faculty member or situation that arises throughout the year. I want to use this blog to help me keep the mindset that I am constantly learning and I need to reflect on my experiences to be able to get the most out of them. (Dr. Cruz would be proud!)

I also wanted to have an outlet for some of  my teaching ideas and strategies that I have success with as well as for the ones that don't quite work out as I planned. I plan to share with you what I have had success with so that you may steal my ideas in hopes that they will work for you in your classroom as well. Most importantly I will be sharing my failures with you so that you may gain some insight into what I did to help mend the situation or what things to avoid when trying to mend a situation gone wrong. It is most important for teachers to learn as they go so that they are constantly improving and providing the best possible education for the students in their classroom.

I hope you will all enjoy taking this exciting journey with me and please feel free to leave some comments in  your wake! I would love to hear from everyone!
Here is my teacher's prayer that I hang next to my desk as a reminder everyday!

Have an awesome last few weeks of summer!
Mrs. Highfill